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Stages Of Arousal

Stages Of Arousal

SAFER SEX: PROTECTION AND CONTRACEPTION Translation missing: en.article.general.reading Stages Of Arousal Translation missing: en.article.general.reading_time Translation missing: Pleasure should not be restricted to any age or gender

Act 1—Foreplay: The Call to Action

Foreplay galvanizes the mind and body toward sexual response.

Dozens of chemicals and hormones are released into the bloodstream, causing a woman to become “emotionally stoned"

The flow of blood is redirected toward the pelvic area; nerve bivers in the genital area become excited, and rectile tissue begins to engorge.

Across the body, the skin becomes extra sensitive to touch.

The breasts swell in size, and stimulation of the nipples initiates the production of oxytocin, a hormone that creates pleasurable sensations throughout the genital area.

As blood vessels force fluid through the walls of the vagina, the vulvovaginal glands produce a small amount of thick fluid that acts as a lubricant.

The clitoral head emerges from its hood.

Act II—Coreplay: Tension and Release

Muscle tension builds throughout the body; respiration increases, blood pressure goes up, and the heart beats faster.

The entrance to the vagina narrows while its inner depths widen and increase at least two inches in length.

The clitoral body (the shaft, legs, and bulb) stiffens, stretches, and elongates.

The spongy tissue of the clitoral cluster swells and its ridges can be clearly felt protruding from the vaginal ceiling.

The suspensory ligament tightens and causes the highly sensitized clitoral head to retract beneath its hood, where it will remain until orgasm.

The round ligament, positioned between the uterus and the inner lips, tugs on both ends, involving the uterus in the process of sexual response and climax.

As coreplay continues:

• The skin flushes; breathing deepens.

• The heart rate soars, everything tightens in a final clench.

• Her inner labia changes colour, darkening with the engorgement of blood

Interesting Fact - During the process of arousal, erectile tissue engorges with blood, causing the clitoral head nearly to double in size.

Finally, all the muscular tension that has been building explodes in orgasm—a series of quick, rhythmic contractions.

• The vagina walls and the pelvic floor muscles contract rhythmically in approximately 0.8-second intervals.

• The sphincter muscles in the rectum also contract spasmodically in sync with genital contractions. In addition, the uterus contracts because of an influx of oxytocin.

• These contractions produce waves of pleasure, and with some women the orgasm is accompanied by the ejaculation of a small amount of clear, alkaline fluid.

Act III—Moreplay: The Return to Balance

After orgasm is the resolution phase, a return to calm and the prearoused state. Men and women differ strikingly in this phase,

MEN- They start losing their erections quickly and entering into what's known as a refractory period, an interval of time that needs to pass before he can get an erection again.

WOMEN- With women, it takes longer for the genitals to return to their normal state, at least five to ten minutes. Women tend not to get sleepy, their genitals don't become hypersensitive (except the clitoral head), and they don't experience a refractory period—with a little stimulation they're ready to begin the process all over again.

The difference between how and men and women experience is that women want more interaction; men want to roll over and go to sleep.

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